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FOR SALE - Special rural land in Nambeelup
Cambridge Holdings (WA) Pty Ltd trading as WA Land Compensation is giving you an exclusive opportunity to purchase 30 hectares of Special Rural land only 6.5km from Mandurah.
Address: Parts of Lot 1 Fiegert Road and 534 Fiegert Road Nambeelup (to be amalgamated).
Exposure and easy access to the Kwinana Freeway
Nambeelup Brook frontage
1.1km frontage on Fiegert Road
Next to an existing special rural subdivision
Adjacent to Nambeelup Industrial Area (approved District Structure Plan released April 2016)
Interested or need more information?
CONTACT: Bob Ferguson (08) 9245 3942 or Frank Fforde (08) 9306 5867